How Decluttering Did Not Bring Joy To My Life
I've been reading those Marie Kondo articles about organizing and decluttering. She says, "Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy."
I thought about those articles for awhile, and then began to work on "decluttering" my own house.
I decided the best place to start would be the kitchen. I discovered a bunch of things I didn't even know I had! I found three meat thermometers (I really could've used those at Thanksgiving!), five jar grippers, and a bugle. (Not the tasty snack that I love so!)
I then moved from the drawers to the kitchen cabinets, and I found an old bed comforter that I thought I had given to Goodwill! It was next to that package of Raisin Bran that had been in there since 1987, according the expiration date on the box. The Raisin Bran didn't spark any joy, but I chose to keep it anyway.
I decided to skip the refrigerator and head to the bathroom instead. I'm so glad I did because it was there that I found the remote control I had accused the cable guy of stealing a few months ago. As I was looking underneath the cabinet, I also found that food processor my sister had given me for Christmas about ten years ago! She's asked me several times over the years if I like it, and I've said, "Oh, yes! It's so nice!"
I made my journey down the hallway to the bedroom closet, where I thought I was pretty organized, but to my surprise, behind the fifty shoe boxes I have piled up on the floor, I found the serpentine belt to my husband's '91 Honda Prelude. He finally traded in that car because it wouldn't start and he couldn't understand why.
You know, I'm just not feeling the "joy" in this decluttering process because I keep finding things that I really want to keep!
I will say this, though - I DID throw away some empty Sonic cups that I found in the attic.